Lesson Learnt

No wonder the Bible tells us to go to the ant and learn her ways. [Prov 6:6]. We, especially the head of the nation should now learn our lessons. Thank God for the many prayers offered on 25/3/2020. I believe God has healed every aspect of our land including our head [Isa 1:5].   

Our leaders,  I humbly ask that you pick lessons from COVID-19. If investing in our local health facilities, educational systems, roads, etc, was a mirage to you, now fixing them must be a necessity to you all. Now that international doors are closed, would you still fly outside for medical care, better education, etc.? You have no option than to use the ones we have, good or bad regardless. I humbly appeal to you all, commit to developing Ghana, so we can all enjoy Ghana, especially in moments like. May this be a lesson to us all. Amen


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