By secret sins, I mean rationalizing and bathing in sins that weigh us down as Christians. Oftentimes, we hide in the dark, bath in sins and leave them unconfessed, thinking nobody has seen us. If nobody saw you, please be reminded, God is omnipresent. “Psalms 90:8” says “Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance”.  “Ecclesiastes 12:14” also says, “For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil.”
     Christians today, hide our sins and quickly condemn other 
people's known secret sins; it just a matter of time, the night will be spent and the day will expose every secret sin. We have no cause as Christians to rationalize and bath in any secret sin.
         Today, the Lord is sending this teaser to all Christians, to awake out of our sleep, to cast of the works of darkness [secret sins] and advisedly put on the armor of light. Christ shall give light over every secret sin to those who would heed to this warning and would run out to Him.  Israel went through this concealment of sin and thought God didn’t see them [Ezekiel 8:12-18] but read the Lord's words to them in “Ezekiel  8:18”. Read also what is in  “Amos 9:3”.
      Gospel Ministers, all church workers and to every Christian,  make no provision for any secret sin; have no fellowship with the 
unfruitful works of darkness; hide not yourself in any Christian 
garment and secretly bath in sin [Galatians  5:19-21]. Let’s redeem the time, walking honestly both in secret and in public, and walking circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise children of God. 


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