
Showing posts from March, 2019

Pushed into Marriage

"Pushed Into Marriage" What a world! She thinks she's up for marriage just because she's striked her 30s. He thinks he has to marry probably he's also in his late 30s. But watch this, marriage and age are different things altogether. You can be 40 in age but 17 in mind. You need to first be matured well enough. You need to train your emotions particularly to tolerate others. Again you need to have saved enough for your wedding and for the marriage, particularly after wedding. Don't get up and borrow money for your wedding, there's life in reality after the wedding. Again, you need to be able to manage yourself well especially if you're a man. You can't be disorganized everywhere and think you're going to marry. If you can't even manage your own self, how can you marry someone together. To him who's faithful in the little can be given much. And to the ladies, hear this, don't just settle down with any man just because you're i...

The Hidden Truth

"Overcome Your Fire" I was going through some challenges that I needed an experienced one to talk me out of the issue. Just to realize that it's a youthful fire that burns the youth. As a staunch Christian, I worried about it. But one thing I learn't through it is that, the fire you're going through is associated with your generation but how to handle the fire determines who you will become. Everyone is going through fire one way or the other, but some have really come out of theirs victoriously. Remember this, fire when applied to a piece of wood, it burns it but the same fire when applied to a piece of gold, it refines it. So you can choose to let your fire make you better instead of being bitter. Joseph went through fornication fire but the fire couldn't overcome him. He overcame the fire. The three Jewish boys in the fire, had victory over the fire. Daniel again had his own fire and he overcame. But Sampson allowed his fire to make him bitter. Tha...

God's Love

"God's Love Underrated " This thought just came to my mind, how a lady or a guy could do whatever it takes to prove his/her love for the other. I asked myself, so if man can do that how much more God, the Father of all love? Some ladies will go all miles, give their entire bodies to the guy,  cook, easily forgive when being cheated, becomes "a slave" even to these guys, all in the name of love. Yeah it's real. And even these types of love are erotic ones mostly. God's supersedes all these. He easily wipes and forgets our sins. He is always in dire need of our fellowship with Him. Don't underrate His love. God has always loved you and will always love you. His love for you can't be fathomed. God loves you more than that boyfriend/girlfriend. So instead of giving your body to that illegal partner (unmarried guy/lady), give it to God and He will use it to your utmost surprise. God has proven Himself to be good in that. To remind you of one, He off...

The Essence of Prayer

Prayer..... Your direct line with the heavens. A communication process that allows man to seek a rapport with the heavens. It's your license for the heavens to interfere in your affairs on earth.  Why you need to pray. Write these questions down.... 1. If God is sovereign, why prayer? 2. If God is not influenced or affected by what you say or do typically in prayer, then why should you pray?  The answers to the above questions are the essence of prayer. The first answer says, God is sovereign as His word and He is limited by His word. Again, the second answer says God will never violate His word. Any spirit without a body(man) is illegal on earth. And so for any spirit to interfere legally on earth, He needs a body (permission from man).... God gave man the dominion on earth, and so man possess the sole authority to permit what happens on earth. So aside the sovereign nature of God, He's also a spirit and before He would do anything on earth He needs permissio...